History of The Poem Pros

We are asked all the time when our project started and why we do what we do. Here are the answers to when and why.

Founded out of a desire to get heartfelt words out into the world, The Poem Pros has become a grand experiment to directly impact poetry and love onto paper and spread it round the world.

In May of 2017 at Alixander Court sat at The Urban Flea Market with his Brother Echelon 77 Tabulator and typed his first quippy for the market of SLC, Utah. It was then that The Poem Pros was born! Not long after the first words were typed, Alixander was asked to mail them. Stoked by the idea, he invited others to make a donation to pay it forward and get their typewritten words delivered.

As years went by, hundreds of quippies have been mailed, and The Poem Pros has been asked to attend events of all kinds. Pretty soon people were begging us to get a website going so that our fans could spread their heartfelt words online and to give us credit.

  • What we've written

    Gosh... We have written some words. And when you are ready to send a message you too can write

    love notes

    inspiring quotes

    intimate memories

    hilarious memes

    meaningful lyrics

    birthday letters

    wedding invites

    thank you cards

    and so much more!

  • Where we've sent messages

    In The United States we've sent messages almost everywhere, but for fun, here's a list of places we've sent letters to recently:


    New York










    And if you don't see your state on the list, send a message!










    Send a message to add your beautiful country to this list!

  • Who are The Poem Pros

    We are excited to share our passion for the heartfelt words, and we hope to make a positive impact on you and the world around. Below is a running list of people who have been a part of The Poem Pros:

    Alixander Court

    Elaina Court

    Allyn Bernkopf

    Cicily Kind

    Davey Davis

    Bradlee Lewis

    Etasha Porcaro

    Jennifer Tarasevich

    Mako Smith

    Adaryn Light

    Lucas Kappler

    When you see your self becoming a part of the growing community of typists who call them selves The Poem Pros, please reach out.

  • Who has shared us with their people?

    Here's a list of some of our more noteworthy hosts we have had the pleasure of typing for over the years:



    University of Utah

    Utah Film Society

    Living Planet Aquarium

    Strong Porsche

    Invite The Poem Pros to be at your next event.

The Poem Pros in the News